Results for 'Aldo Olate Vinet'

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  1.  63
    Interactividad lingüística castellano/mapudungun de Una comunidad rural bilingüe.Aldo Olate Vinet, Paula Alonqueo Boudon & Jaqueline Caniguan Caniguan - 2013 - Alpha (Osorno) 37:265-284.
    Se presenta la dinámica sociolingüística del contacto entre el mapudungun y el castellano de Chile en una comunidad² rural bilingüe mapuche-castellano. Se analiza la interacción lingüística entre los códigos en dominios vinculados con la transmisión intergeneracional, ámbitos de uso y eventos comunicativos que ocurren en la comunidad. La información se obtuvo a partir de la aplicación de un cuestionario sociolingüístico dirigido a 20 habitantes de la zona lafkenche de Isla Huapi, IX Región de La Araucanía. Los datos proporcionados permiten describir (...)
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    Más allá Del estado de Vida de las lenguas… elementos para el diagnóstico sociolingüístico de la dinámica interactiva Del contacto mapuzugun /castellano.Aldo Olate Vinet - 2017 - Alpha (Osorno) 45:255-272.
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    Un estudio comparativo de la microestructura narrativa en escolares rurales mapuches, rurales no mapuches y urbanos: las estrategias de recurrencia, progresión y conexión en la producción oral.Aldo Olate Vinet - 2018 - Logos: Revista de Lingüística, Filosofía y Literatura 28 (2):377-399.
    In this paper we compare the textual narrative competence of three groups of spanish monolingual scholars: rural mapuche, rural no-mapuche and urban. We contrast the strategies of manteinnance of reference, progession of information an interclauses connection. The corpus analized is compose of thirty five tales of scholars children of 3º and 6º elementary school and proceed of three differents geo-socio-cultural contexts. We propose that the narrative habilities present minimal differences attributable to the context of sociocultural development, the situation of bilingualism (...)
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    Ideologías Lingüísticas sobre el Mapuzugun de Estudiantes de Enseñanza Secundaria de Temuco (Chile). Una Aproximación desde las Representaciones Sociales.César Cisternas Irarrázabal & Aldo Olate Vinet - 2024 - Logos Revista de Lingüística Filosofía y Literatura 34 (1).
    En esta investigación, por un lado, se caracterizan las ideologías lingüísticas sobre el mapuzugun que tienen los estudiantes del último grado de un establecimiento de enseñanza secundaria de Temuco (Chile) y, por otro, se evalúa la influencia en la formación de dichas ideologías del taller de mapuzugun impartido en la unidad educativa. El trabajo se desarrolló desde una perspectiva teórica interdisciplinaria y con una estrategia metodológica mixta. Se observa el predominio de una ideología probilingüismo, mientras que en dos grupos minoritarios (...)
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    Representaciones sobre las normas de género: La resistencia al cambio.Alejandra Martínez, Aldo Merlino, Vanesa Garbero & Erika Barzola - 2011 - Aposta 51.
    This article is product of a research work that was developed between 2006 and 2009 in the city of Córdoba, Argentina. One of its main objectives was to analyze the representations of gender norms in men and women, and relate them with the interviewed social agents’ objective conditions of existence. In this paper we show articulations between social representations and objective conditions –specifically those related to possession/dispossession of economic and cultural capital– stressing the resistance of traditional representations related to gender (...)
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    Aldo Leopold's Wilderness: Selected Early Writings by the Author of A Sand County Almanac.Aldo Leopold, David Earl Brown & Neil B. Carmony - 1990
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    Aldo Leopold's Southwest.Aldo Leopold & David Earl Brown - 1995 - UNM Press.
    Gathers the pre-Sand Country Almanac writings of Aldo Leopold, showing that he was not born an ecologist, but evolved over time through experimentation and thought.
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  8. Pedagogia fra tradizione e innovazione: studi in onore di Aldo Agazzi.Aldo Agazzi (ed.) - 1979 - Milano: Vita e pensiero.
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    Sport en filosofie in context.Aldo Houterman & Sandra Meeuwsen - 2024 - Wijsgerig Perspectief 64 (3):4-5.
    Amsterdam University Press is a leading publisher of academic books, journals and textbooks in the Humanities and Social Sciences. Our aim is to make current research available to scholars, students, innovators, and the general public. AUP stands for scholarly excellence, global presence, and engagement with the international academic community.
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    La Filosofía Nuestroamericana En la Filosofía Chilena: Una Mirada a la Segunda Mitad Del Siglo XX.Aldo Ahumada Infante - 2018 - Síntesis Revista de Filosofía 6 (2):44.
    El término nuestroamericano —utilizado por Horacio Cerutti— tiene sus fundamentos en el concepto "Nuestra América". Este hilo conductor de pensamiento tiene como hecho ineludible el hacerse cargo de la realidad en que se vive y del lugar en donde se está, hecho expresado en un permanente interés en la identidad cultural y nacional, como también por una lectura crítica y explicativa del desarrollo de las ideas. En el caso de Chile, a nuestro juicio, la memoria filosófica nuestroamericana ha tendido a (...)
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    Nietzsche.Aldo Magris - 2003 - Brescia: Morcelliana.
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    Études sur Blaise Pascal.Alexandre Rodolphe Vinet - 1936 - Lausanne [etc.]: Payot & cie. Edited by Pierre Kohler.
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  13. The land ethic.Aldo Leopold - forthcoming - Environmental Ethics.
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  14.  17
    Compreensões de aspectos gerais sobre as condições de produção do conhecimento e a investigação no pré-discurso da Educação Inclusiva: dos sistemas de acomodação/ajuste estrutural das possibilidades de subversão do campo.Aldo Ocampo González - 2017 - Odeere 1 (2).
    Este artigo apresenta uma abordagem inicial sobre a caracterização do campo meta-teórico de pesquisa em educação inclusiva e, em particular, examina as forças que produzem seu discurso na pesquisa documental. É reconhecida a necessidade de avançar na exploração de uma perspectiva epistêmica que permita superar o absentismo teórico enfrentado pela educação inclusiva em tempos complexos. O desenvolvimento atual da pesquisa em educação inclusiva é alimentado por vários campos de confluência fora da pedagogia, o que resultou na cristalização de um discurso (...)
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  15. Luisteren naar ruis.Aldo Houterman - 2022 - Wijsgerig Perspectief 62 (3):34-41.
    Amsterdam University Press is a leading publisher of academic books, journals and textbooks in the Humanities and Social Sciences. Our aim is to make current research available to scholars, students, innovators, and the general public. AUP stands for scholarly excellence, global presence, and engagement with the international academic community.
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    Moralistes des seizième et dix-septième siècles.Alexandre Rodolphe Vinet - 1904 - New York: Arno Press.
    Introduction: De la morale dans la littérature.--François Rabelais.--Michel de Montaigne.--Pierre Charron.--Étienne de la Boëtie.--Jean Bodin.--Michel de l'Hôpital.--Dix-septième siècle: considérations préliminaires.--La Rochefoucauld.--La Bruyère.--Récapitulation: moralistes ascétiques, période intermédiaire.--Saint-Evremond.--Pierre Bayle.--De la spontanéité de l'esprit humain en matière de philosophie.--La volonté cherchant sa loi.
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  17. A Philosopher of Nonviolence.Aldo Capitini - 2000 - Diogenes 48 (192):104-119.
    We are at the moment experiencing renewed interest in the life and work of Aldo Capitini, the Italian philosopher of nonviolence, who was born in Perugia in 1899 and died there in 1968. Conferences, publications, and meetings are drawing the Italian public's attention to his pure lifestyle, deeply marked first by the courageous choice to oppose fascism, then by the long period during which he was marginalized by the university world and official culture; but attention has also been drawn (...)
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    Sport in an Algorithmic Age: Michel Serres on Bodily Metamorphosis.Aldo Houterman - 2023 - Sport, Ethics and Philosophy 18 (2):126-141.
    The algorithm has become an increasingly important concept in understanding human behavior in recent years. In the case of sport, human bodies are seen as superficial to the driving force of the algorithm, whether it be genetic, behavioral or surveillance-technological algorithms (Harari Citation2015, 2020; Zuboff Citation2019). However, the French mathematician and philosopher Michel Serres (1930–2019) structurally relate algorithms to sports and bodily experience at multiple places in his oeuvre. According to Serres, sport actually enables us to reprogram and rewrite our (...)
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  19. Outline of a general model of measurement.Aldo Frigerio, Alessandro Giordani & Luca Mari - 2010 - Synthese 175 (2):123-149.
    Measurement is a process aimed at acquiring and codifying information about properties of empirical entities. In this paper we provide an interpretation of such a process comparing it with what is nowadays considered the standard measurement theory, i.e., representational theory of measurement. It is maintained here that this theory has its own merits but it is incomplete and too abstract, its main weakness being the scant attention reserved to the empirical side of measurement, i.e., to measurement systems and to the (...)
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    Krisis: eine Lektüre der "Weltalter"-Texte F.W.J. Schellings.Aldo Lanfranconi - 1992 - Stuttgart-Bad Cannstatt: Frommann-Holzboog.
    Der Kern der Denkleistung Schellings kann als der fortgesetzte Versuch umschrieben werden, einen absoluten Anfang, den Ursprung, zu denken. Nach Schellings eigener Meinung ist die Losung dieser Aufgabe in seinen Weltalter-Texten erstmals formuliert. Hier liegt der Schlussel zum Verstandnis des spaten Schelling, vielleicht der ganzen Philosophie Schellings.
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    (Christian) Theologians vs. (Pagan) Philosophers.Aldo Scaglione - 1986 - Mediaevalia 12:115-126.
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    Il concetto di "relazione" nell'opera di Severino: a partire da "La struttura originaria".Aldo Stella - 2018 - Milano: Guerini e associati.
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    Modello riduzionistico o modello sistemico? Spunti per una riflessione.Aldo Stella - 2015 - Epistemologia 38 (1):81-98.
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    Unified Opposition to Surrogacy.Aldo Rocco Vitale - 2017 - The National Catholic Bioethics Quarterly 17 (4):623-630.
    This article briefly examines the topic of surrogacy in light of two opposing perspectives, mainstream feminism and Catholicism, which despite very different moral dimensions, arrive at the same conclusion. The author discusses the similarities between these two moral perspectives that are nor­mally considered to be opposed to each other.
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  25. Antonio Labriola e la scuola teologico-evangelica di Tubinga.Aldo Zanardo - 2009 - Giornale Critico Della Filosofia Italiana 5 (1):41-126.
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  26. A influência de Theodosius Dobzhansky no desenvolvimento da Genética no Brasil.Aldo M. Araújo - 1998 - Episteme 3 (7):43-54.
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    The Metaphysical Turn in the History of Thought: Anaximander and Buddhist Philosophy.Aldo Stella & Federico Divino - 2023 - Philosophies 8 (6):99.
    The present study, primarily of a theoretical nature, endeavors to accomplish two distinct objectives. First and foremost, it endeavors to engage in a thoughtful examination of the metaphysical significance that Anaximander’s philosophy embodies within the context of the nascent Western philosophical tradition. Furthermore, it aims to investigate how it was contemporaneous Buddhist thought, coeval with Anaximander’s era, that more explicitly elucidated the concept of the “void” as an inherent aspect of authentic existence. This elucidation was articulated through aphoristic discourse rather (...)
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    Linearism, Universalism and Scope Ambiguities.Aldo Frigerio - forthcoming - Analytic Philosophy.
    In this paper, I distinguish two possible families of semantics of the open future: Linearism, according to which future tense sentences are evaluated with respect to a unique possible future history, and Universalism, according to which future tense sentences are evaluated universally quantifying on the histories passing through the moment of evaluation. An argument in favour of Linearism is based on the fact future tense does not exhibit scope interactions with negation. Todd (2020, 2021) defends Universalism against this argument proposing (...)
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  29.  17
    Oikeios logos: la filosofia del linguaggio di Antistene.Aldo Brancacci - 1990
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    Il lavoro nella pedagogia e nella scuola.Aldo Agazzi - 1958 - [Brescia]: La Scuola.
  31.  25
    Para além do corpo belo: notas sobre corpo e educação a partir da leitura foucaultiana do Alcibíades.Avelino Aldo de Lima Neto & Hugo Filgueiras de Araújo - 2018 - Educação E Filosofia 32 (64).
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    Pieter De Leemans.Andrea Aldo Robiglio - 2020 - Revista Española de Filosofía Medieval 26 (2):19-22.
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    Topological recognition of polyhedral objects from multiple views.Aldo Laurentini - 2001 - Artificial Intelligence 127 (1):31-55.
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    B Holism (Ecocentrism).Aldo Leopold - forthcoming - Environmental Ethics: The Big Questions.
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  35. Deontología de las profesiones sanitarias auxiliares.Aldo Leoni - 1963 - Madrid,: Editorial Coculsa.
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  36. The gothic realism of jaquerio, Giacomo-a critical analysis of his work.Aldo Moretto - 1987 - Filosofia 38 (1):13-24.
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    Il programma di radicale naturalizzazione della mente. Note su alcuni assunti concettuali.Aldo Stella - 2014 - Rivista Internazionale di Filosofia e Psicologia 5 (3):250-266.
    La ricerca qui proposta si rivolge al programma di radicale naturalizzazione della mente e, in particolare, alla posizione del monismo materialistico che esso produce. L’articolo si propone di individuare gli assunti fondamentali sui quali tale programma poggia. Un primo assunto identificato e discusso criticamente all’interno del lavoro concerne una concezione corrispondentista della verità. Un secondo assunto fa riferimento ad una concezione secondo la quale lo studio della mente si riduce all’individuazione di relazioni causali e leggi che regolano processi meccanici, mentre (...)
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    Caracterización de personalidad de mujeres adolescentes infractoras de ley: un estudio comparativo.Eugenia Vinet & P. Alarcón - 2009 - Paideia (Misc) 19 (43):143-152.
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    Leopold’s Some Fundamentals of Conservation.Aldo Leopold - 1979 - Environmental Ethics 1 (2):143-148.
    Leopold first discusses the conservation of natural resources in the southwestern United States in economic tenns, stressing, in particular, erosion and aridity. He then concludes his analysis with a discussion of the moral issues involved, developing his general position within the context of P. D. Ouspenky’s early philosophy of organism.
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    A general interpreted modal calculus.Aldo Bressan - 1972 - New Haven,: Yale University Press.
  41. Stable regularities without governing laws?Aldo Filomeno - 2019 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part B: Studies in History and Philosophy of Modern Physics 66:186-197.
    Can stable regularities be explained without appealing to governing laws or any other modal notion? In this paper, I consider what I will call a ‘Humean system’—a generic dynamical system without guiding laws—and assess whether it could display stable regularities. First, I present what can be interpreted as an account of the rise of stable regularities, following from Strevens [2003], which has been applied to explain the patterns of complex systems (such as those from meteorology and statistical mechanics). Second, since (...)
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  42.  16
    Entrevista sobre pedagogia queer E educação inclusiva.Aldo Ocampo González - 2018 - Odeere 3 (6):19.
    A compreensão epistemológica da Educação Inclusiva expressa um funcionamento diaspórico, isto é, as formas de construção do seu conhecimento, operam através de uma dispersão do conhecimento, distribuída por uma multiplicidade de geografias epistêmicas, entre elas, Feminismo, Teoria Queer, Estudos Postcolonial, entre outros. Neste caso, as contribuições do Feminismo e dos Estudos Queer, tornam-se instâncias chave do conhecimento para promover a proposta de uma nova racionalidade - cada vez mais ampla em suas propostas e sistemas de raciocínio - para justificar a (...)
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    Lengua y patria de la filosofía.Aldo Guarneros - 2022 - Estudios filosofía historia letras 20 (142):29.
    El presente ensayo ofrece algunas meditaciones en torno a lo que representan la lengua y la patria para la filosofía. Estas reflexiones son motivadas por la publicación, en este número de Estudios, de los Ensayos del catalán de Eduardo Nicol, filósofo que se vio obliga do a elaborar su obra no solo desde el exilio de su patria, sino en una lengua, hasta cierto punto, extranjera. El objetivo, no obstante, no es plantear las correspondientes preguntas desde un ángulo nacionalista particular, (...)
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    Pedagogia e scienza dell'educazione.Aldo Visalberghi - 1978 - Milano: A. Mondadori. Edited by Roberto Maragliano & B. Vertecchi.
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    Remarks on Dewey's conception of ends and means.Aldo Visalberghi - 1953 - Journal of Philosophy 50 (25):737-753.
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    Implicit learning in rule induction and problem solving.Aldo Zanga, Jean-François Richard & Charles Tijus - 2004 - Thinking and Reasoning 10 (1):55-83.
    Using the Chinese Ring Puzzle (Kotovsky & Simon, Citation1990; P. J. Reber & Kotovsky, Citation1997), we studied the effect on rule discovery of having to plan actions or not in order to reach a goal state. This was done by asking participants to predict legal moves as in implicit learning tasks (Experiment 1) and by asking participants to make legal moves as in problem-solving tasks (Experiment 2). Our hypothesis was that having a specific goal state to reach has a dual (...)
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    Destino, provvidenza, predestinazione: dal mondo antico al cristianesimo.Aldo Magris - 2008 - Brescia: Morcelliana.
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    Bodies as communication systems. The relevance of Michel Serres’s philosophy of science for health care.Aldo Houterman - 2025 - Medicine, Health Care and Philosophy 28 (1):139-150.
    This article demonstrates the value of French philosophy of science for medical practice through an exposition of Michel Serres’s philosophy of the body. It explores how Serres’s examination of the similarity between scientific models and works of art can provide insight into different conceptions of the human body. What makes Serres’s method of unique is that it does not see art and literature as subordinate to the natural sciences: they are both involved in mapping the communication lines of the body. (...)
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    On "Coherence" and "Law": An Analysis of Different Models.Aldo Schiavello - 2001 - Ratio Juris 14 (2):233-243.
    The aim of this paper is to compare different conceptions of the role of (normative) coherence in the legal field. More precisely, it aims to deepen Neil MacCormick's theory of legal reasoning, in which coherence is essentially considered an interpretative tool, and Ronald Dworkin's legal theory, in which coherence occupies a more crucial place. The main results of this paper can be summarized in two points. A) For Dworkin, coherence is not just an interpretative standard but constitutes the hard core (...)
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    Temporalities, Universality and Insurgency: On Massimiliano Tomba’s Insurgent Universality.Aldo Beretta & Rebecca Fritzl - 2022 - Historical Materialism 30 (4):71-86.
    Insurgent Universality offers a novel attempt to access history through a problematisation of the notion of universalism. Its main argument is based on three notions articulated in revolutionary events: temporalities, universality and insurgency. In this article we review their theoretical aspects, comment on their limitations, and outline potential reformulations.
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